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Death, Anxiety, Stuttering and Procrastination

Co-Hosted By Cheryl Wild

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Dear Rita Co-Host Cheryl Wild Ask's Rita about...: Image.

In this episode Rita answers the questions...

  1. Why do I put off things I need to do, but don't like doing?
  2. Why do I get depressed, or anxious at the same time each year since my husband died?
  3. What will cure stuttering once and for all?

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In this episode Rita answers the questions...

  1. Why do I put off things I need to do, but don't like doing?
  2. Why do I get depressed, or anxious at the same time each year since my husband died?
  3. What will cure stuttering once and for all?

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Image for Dear Rita Co-Host Cheryl Wild Ask's Rita about....

In this episode Rita answers the questions...

  1. Why do I put off things I need to do, but don't like doing?
  2. Why do I get depressed, or anxious at the same time each year since my husband died?
  3. What will cure stuttering once and for all?

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Thumbnail image for Dear Rita Co-Host Cheryl Wild Ask's Rita about....
Ask Rita Podcast

The Ask Rita Podcasts where Rita Harrison answers questions from listeners about health, healing, happiness & spirituality.

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