Why am I not losing weight?

There are only 3 basic reasons the scale won't budge. Luckily, there is a way to quickly turn things around, and it's called The Body Organization* by The Willow System, right here in Long Beach, California.

Let's find out which one of these causes you are suffering from...

1. Fear, Fight and Flight Mechanisms

  • Stress
  • Panic and/or Anxiety
  • Being Overwhelmed or Just Coping

2. Unresolved Conflicts

  • Not Feeling Good About Ourselves / Emptiness
  • Something Taken On From The Family
  • Peer Pressure / Crises

3. Medical Reasons

  • Hormonal
  • Cerebral
  • Organic / Constitutional
* https://bodyorg.com/about/
   Feel Stress and Pain-Free, Younger, Stronger and Coordinated
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