Working On The Physical Body

The Willow System Body Organization ( )

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Customized Solutions For: Burn-Out, Weight Gain, Pain in the nervous system, muscles, joints, jaw, back, head, etc., Digestive Disorders, Failure or Weakness in the organ systems., Hormone Imbalances, Loss of Libido, Sexuality Problems, Uterine Prolapse symptoms, Crisis, Depression or Anxiety, ADHD, Hyperactivity, Learning Disabilities, Allergies, Headaches, Dizziness & more.

Research has shown that most people are stuck in the fear-fight-flight response (also called the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response [ in PTSD ], hyperarousal, or the acute stress response) a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.

Willow's Body Alignment centers the body, shows the body how to deal with trauma and stress more effectively and helps the nervous system to interrupt the fear-fight-flight response.

It Offers Customized Solutions For: Burn-out, Tension, Stress, Weight gain, Pain in the nervous system, muscles, joints, jaw, back, head, etc.

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The Willow System

Body Organization

Is available in Long Beach California, but if you want it in your area, contact us for training.

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