Get Yourself An Abuse Detox Session
Get Yourself An Abuse Detox Session
How To Recognize Manipulation, Mobbing, Emotional Abuse Etc.
And Discover What's Really Important To You...
Or Contact Paul Here With Your Questions
Ever more women and men are daring to admit publicly that they have been the victim of abuse or bullying. This opens up a huge space for healing that has never been there before.
Instead of just ripping open old wounds, it has become very more important to react to their needs on a deeper level.
Everybody talks about physical and verbal abuse, but only a very few people recognize emotional (e.g. Mobbing, Bullying), energetic and spiritual abuse.
It's a blind spot, that leaves us feeling confused, full of self-doubt and empty, without noticing what's happening.
Here are just some of the points we will be addressing...
How to recognize abuse
What are the signs of abuse
What you can do about it
How to protect yourself
We will explore these questions and many more, leaving you feeling aware, clear, and armed to take good care of yourself, your loved ones, and friends when confronted with any form of disguised abusive behavior.