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About Willow4You:

Media Inquiries Welcome -
You are welcome to contact us regarding Paul E. Harrison, Willow System Workshops, Coaching Opportunities, or Podcast Work etc.

Other Keywords Used: Conquering Fear, Exploring Spirituality, Family Healing, Feeling Safe, Healing Ancestral Roots, Healing The Physical, Learning To Say No, Love and Relationships, Rebuilding Trust, Regaining Control,

Willow4You Blog Posts:

Your Time Is Now: Look Up... A Willow Session with Paul
Have you come to a point in your life where you feel a change is needed? Do you feel deeply that the time is NOW but you need a little help?

Other Keywords Used: Abundance, Change, Empowerment, Feel, Focus, Healed, Healed Woman, Intention, Journey, Life, Love, Manifest, Self, Self-Empowerment, Trust, Woman, Women,

Let your tribe know that THEY make you a better person.
Thinking differently with Paul E Harrison

Other Keywords Used: Change Your Life, How To Be Happy, How To Video, Life Hack, Show Your Feelings, Spread Love,

How To Find A Love As Individual As You
You are good enough, lovable, deserving of love and our job is to make you feel it so you can get what you really want from love.

Other Keywords Used: Confident, Deserving, Empowered, Feel, How To, Lovable, Love, Loved, Relationships,


What's Distance Healing (Remote Healing): Heal At Home
Are you looking for Healing from the safety of home for your Relationships, Health, Career, Stress, Anxiety, Frustration, Emotional Pain, etc.

Other Keywords Used: Anxiety, Career, Distance Healing, Emotional Pain, Feeling Stuck, Frustration, Heal, Healing, Health, Peace, Personal Happiness, Powerful Tools, Relationships, Remote Healing, Remotely Heal, Self-Destructive, Self-Sabotage, Stress,

Willow4You Topics:

Get some customized healing because you're special
Customized Healing for Ancestral, Family, Relationship, Spiritual, Abuse, Physical Disorders, PTSD and Fear...

Other Keywords Used: Abuse, Anxiety, Awareness, Care, Depression, Emotional Symptoms, Family, Feelings, Guilt, Happiness, Healing, Health, Health Care, Helplessness, Holistic Healing, Learning Disabilities, Pain, Panic, Partnership, Show Up, Spiritual, Tailored Solutions, Tried And Tested,


How To Deal With Abusive and Manipulative People: Dear Rita
We talk about a blind spot, that leaves us feeling confused, full of self-doubt and empty, without noticing what's happening.

Other Keywords Used: Abuse, Abusive, Blind Spot, Confused, Feelings, Kim Lewis, Manipulation, Manipulative, Podcast, Self Doubt, Self-Doubt, Talk,


Welcome to the powerful energy of renewal. Mind. Body. Soul.
I'd like to talk about throwing off any heaviness you might feel, by harnessing the energy of renewal to spring clean, cleanse and invigorate...

Other Keywords Used: Body, Cleanse, Energy, Feel, Harnessing, Heaviness, Invigorate, Mind, Powerful, Renewal, Soul, Talk,

Just Trying To Help? - Learning to Let Go - Just A Thought!
Learning to Let Go, because you probably already know how it feels when you try to help someone or something, but it makes things worse.

Other Keywords Used: Blessings, Education, Enlightenment, Experience, Feelings, Health and Lifestyle, Healthy Living, Help, Illumination, Knowing, Knowledge, Learning, Letting Go, Solution, Solutions, Understanding, Wisdom,

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And Discover What's Really Important To You

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