Think Bigger
Expand your world and leave pain behind
Rita Harrison: International Author, Teacher, Naturopath
and Developer of The Willow System Treatments, INP and AYM
Dear Friends,
When you're shocked, it's natural to make your world smaller. That's how our physical body reacts; the blood flows from the outside to the inside to sustain the most important organs.
My point is that when the danger is over, the body regulates itself again.
But we as humans tend to stay in fear mode, tend to isolate ourselves more and more, and make our world smaller and smaller after we've been traumatized, and tend to lock ourselves into the pain.
So make your world bigger again... and here's some thoughts on how!
Love & Blessings,
Rita Harrison
Developer of The Willow System (WST & WBO), INP and AYM

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