The Energy Of Today For February 12

Timezone: America / Los Angeles

The Energy Of Today is all about dealing with today's crazy energies

Read: How to start dealing with today's crazy energies How to start dealing with today's crazy energies and More Willow System: How to start dealing with today's crazy energies

About the energy of today...

The energy of today is about sorting and re-arranging your pantry of life, by pulling out all the stuff that's got pushed to the back of your mind, looking at it and having the right to use reverse gear and go back and work on the light bulb moments of the past.

What to do with it...

It's all about choosing to not be married to the ideas of now and giving yourself the right to go back and evolve your past intentions for your future happiness, but only if they're better than the ones of the present.

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The Energy of Today is brought to you courtesy of the AYM CENTER

AYM is about many things, but mainly it's your chakra connection.

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